
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Magic of Christmas

         Christmas Day. This is the day that most of us celebrate this season. But I think people are starting to lose what the real meaning of Christmas. Christ, our Lord and Savior, was born to us. He is the gift of Love from God the Father in Heaven. He came to earth with us and live with us. And eventually he died for us. We were the reason that he suffered and died. He gave all he could give. That by His wounds,all those who believe in Him, sins are forgiven , diseases are healed and restored.        This is the time for giving,sharing and receiving for all the gifts. But give and share someting without expecting in return and be happy even though they don't have something to give. Just be happy because of that thing you give to them can make them happy. And their happiness is your happiness. Happiness is one of the best gift you can give.         Christmas day is also a family day because some family they are complete in Christmas season only but that's not goo

Equal Rigths Equal Opportunities

Our world has been created by people, and by interactions between people, making everything from law to how we greet each other socially constructed. We would like to believe that everyone has the same privileges in life, and that the economic class one is born into will not affect ones future. We like to believe that our school system provides equal opportunities for everyone and that our justice system is fair. It is hard to find anyone who would oppose the notion of equality. The difficulty arrives when questions such as ‘equality between whom’ and ‘equality of what’ arise with diverging opinions. (Baker, Lynch, Cantillon, & Walsh, 2004). In political ideologies debate, we may identify the two main approaches to equality. Liberals advocate the equality of opportunity such that every member of society should be allowed to have a same starting position in order to equally compete for the advantage. Socialists, quite the contrary, claim that a civilization is about the equ

Gift from God: A NEW LIFE

God gave us the greatest gift or our lives. A little angel to cherish and love. Babies remind us the beauty within our hearts. They are not born to be abuse by someone. The Bible tells us repeatedly in His Word how all children are a gift from God. Every single life, every single child, is a reward and blessing. Whether they're bringing parents pride and joy, or whether they are teaching us how to be more patient and forgiving, children are a gift from God and a source for the growth of His Kingdom here on Earth! God knows that children can bring us closer to Him and help grow our Christian character. Be encouraged by the following Bible verses about children and how the Lord sees them! Children depend on many adults as they grow up. Parents, relatives, teachers and child care workers all provide children with love, support and guidance. No one wants to see children grow up with fear, anger or neglect. But no one is born knowing how to care for children. Sometimes w