Miss Ordinary


    "We're just ordinary people, we don't know which way to go because we're ordinary people, maybe we should take it slow". That line was from a song of John Legend. It shows that when we don't know what to do, we shouldn't go too fast and have faith that things will turn out good. Faith is trust and hope in something or someone. And may faith is in God. But yeah I may be one of the just ordinary people and I can change myself into a better person a better version of me.

         2018 was actually weird because I was somehow living my best life and worst year of my life so far. But I am thankful because that year taught me many lessons. I can say that that year was life changing. I have endured pain and loss.  I have broken. I have known hardship and I have felt lost and alone. But here I am standing and trying to move forward. I will remember all the lessons in my life because they are making who I am. No I am making who I am.Some people tell that "It's not the people change, it's that you finally see them who they truly are". But i don't believe in that because for me we don't find ourselves we create it. And through learning we re-create ourselves.

         This 2019 I will leaving the weaker version of me and move forward to a better version of me. New year, new day, new hour, new me and I've decided who I want to be. Choosing to love myself more is definitely not selfishness. This year I want to focus in myself because last year I have done enough. I deserve to be happy. I'm sad because it took me so long to realize that. But i get it now. We all deserve to be happy. So smile and be happy because you deserve it!.


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