

In our final grading I have learned a lot about photoshop. I learned about the tools, filters, panels and other equipments that Photoshop has. We tried to edit a pictures and it was fun. Our teacher gave us a activity in using a photoshop to promote our school. I encountered some problems but thanks to my classmates they helped me with it. I will always be thankful to them  because I believed that all of these will help me in the future. This school year I've learned many lessons that will be kept in my mind and in heart. I will forever cherish the good memories and also the bad memories.

We choose our future

Many people believe that everyone has their own fate. That this fate had been carved at the palm of their hands since then and whatever we do, we can not change this fate. They believed that what we are in the future is just because we are destined to be like that.  For me, I don't believe in that. Why?Because for me when we experience something bad it's the result of what we do. That everything that happened whether it is good or bad are the consequences of what the actions we have done. And there's always a reason for what happened. We decide our future for ourselves. As a student, it is we have a lot of dreams and we are studying hard to make sure that we reach it and have a better future. But some people lose hope. And all I can say that you! Don't give up for your dreams even when everything doesn't seem to work out, never give up. Just think positive always remember that God is always there to guide you. In our life sometimes we fail, even if we wor

High School Day

During the 2nd or 3rd week of March Ilocos Sur National High School foundation day was celebrated. We celebrate this to commemorate the day when the school was founded. This is the most awaited occasion celebrated in school. And everyone was so busy gor the event.  There are some activities that students do such as, coronation for the Mr. and Ms. Ilocos Sur National High School. The coronation is greatly awaited. And one of the highlights of the said event is the Field Demonstration  in which students shows their talent in dancing not only students but the teachers also and Parade of Costumes with their colorful props and eye catching costumes. I enjoyed the foundation day because they introduced a new alumni at Ilocos Sur National High School who is very successful now. Hopefully someday , I will be invited as the guest speaker in this school, Ilocos Sur National High School. The school gets a major make-over where all over the school was thoroughly cleaned. They checked every

Kannawidan Festival

      The Province of Ilocos Sur once celebrated again Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. “Kannawidan” is a local term used by the Ilocanos which means ‘a traditional practice’. This occasion had opened the eyes of the Ilocanos to the culture and traditions their ancestors in the past had brought them. It’s also their way of celebrating the Ilocano spirit that continues to drive locals to boost their home province.               Residents displayed products under the One-Town-One-Product (OTOP) namely: onions, garlic products from pickled and dried garlic and garlic polvoron for Sinait town; bamboo products such as trays and baskets for Cabugao; buri palm leaves products such as mat, bags, baskets, fan, hats for San Juan; corn husk bags, flowers, curtains, slippers for Magsingal; local wine called basiâ for San Ildefonso; sugar cane products namely vinegar, basi, balikutsa, muscovado and dudulâ made of rice cake and raw sugar topped with coconut fat for Santa Maria; nata de cocoâ for S

A Move to Save the World

        What will happen in the future? We can't predict it. We can't say we are all prepared for the future. How can we save the world? Can we do it? Today we are struggling to achieve a better future. But with all the problems we are facing, how could we achieve that goal.      I strongly believe that if we want our future to be better then we have to change and stop our attitude, which doesn't help in any way and even makes things worse. Like we always blame our government and it's officials for the problems we are facing now. We can't blame them for every single one. Instead start changing yourself and improve it first. Because before we can change anything or before we can change the world, we should begin in ourselves.       The status of the country or the world depends on the people. So our world will only improve if we ourselves improve. And the change should start within us then it will grow an grow. We need to remove our personal intentions. When ev

Miss Ordinary

          "We're just ordinary people, we don't know which way to go because we're ordinary people, maybe we should take it slow". That line was from a song of John Legend. It shows that when we don't know what to do, we shouldn't go too fast and have faith that things will turn out good. Faith is trust and hope in something or someone. And may faith is in God. But yeah I may be one of the just ordinary people and I can change myself into a better person a better version of me.          2018 was actually weird because I was somehow living my best life and worst year of my life so far. But I am thankful because that year taught me many lessons. I can say that that year was life changing. I have endured pain and loss.  I have broken. I have known hardship and I have felt lost and alone. But here I am standing and trying to move forward. I will remember all the lessons in my life because they are making who I am. No I am making who I am.Some people tel

The Magic of Christmas

         Christmas Day. This is the day that most of us celebrate this season. But I think people are starting to lose what the real meaning of Christmas. Christ, our Lord and Savior, was born to us. He is the gift of Love from God the Father in Heaven. He came to earth with us and live with us. And eventually he died for us. We were the reason that he suffered and died. He gave all he could give. That by His wounds,all those who believe in Him, sins are forgiven , diseases are healed and restored.        This is the time for giving,sharing and receiving for all the gifts. But give and share someting without expecting in return and be happy even though they don't have something to give. Just be happy because of that thing you give to them can make them happy. And their happiness is your happiness. Happiness is one of the best gift you can give.         Christmas day is also a family day because some family they are complete in Christmas season only but that's not goo