We choose our future

Many people believe that everyone has their own fate. That this fate had been carved at the palm of their hands since then and whatever we do, we can not change this fate. They believed that what we are in the future is just because we are destined to be like that.

 For me, I don't believe in that. Why?Because for me when we experience something bad it's the result of what we do. That everything that happened whether it is good or bad are the consequences of what the actions we have done. And there's always a reason for what happened.

We decide our future for ourselves. As a student, it is we have a lot of dreams and we are studying hard to make sure that we reach it and have a better future. But some people lose hope. And all I can say that you! Don't give up for your dreams even when everything doesn't seem to work out, never give up. Just think positive always remember that God is always there to guide you.

In our life sometimes we fail, even if we work hard and have too much effort to achieve what we want. If you fail then try again. Do everything to achieve your ultimate dream. Our future is in our hands we are the one who can  shape, form, create, build and even destroy it.

I have a lot of dreams and I want to achieve all of that. I'm trying all my best to achieve it. I know that there are more challenges that I need to overcome and I am ready for that. I believe that nothing is impossible if you have faith in God. Faith can remove mountains if we believe. We decide which path to choose, we choose our future and God is always there to guide us.



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