An Easier and Happier Life

There is no doubt about it-the way we communicate with our family members today has changed dramatically in recent years. Just a decade ago, text messaging, blogging, and emails were not methods of family communication. Today, they are widely used by families around the world.

Some people say that technology is impacting families in a negative way. For example, instead of playing games or eating dinner together, more and more families are instead turning on the television, using the computer, and constantly text messaging on their phones. Some people believe that families are ditching the real world in favor of the cyber world. Other people argue that technology is essential to good family communication in today’s society. As parents and children have different agendas and interests, the widespread use of cell phones and the Internet help them stay in touch and communicate regularly.

Does Technology Improve Family Communication?A new study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project (2008) suggests that technology improves communication among families. The study revealed that technology, such as cell phones and email, seems to be helping create a new “connectedness” within families, as family members communicate with each other every day via cell phone, texts, and emails.

 However, researchers said the heaviest technology users were also those with the heaviest work schedules, which is likely to contribute to these negative reports.

Couples communicate frequently just to say hello and chat (28 percent of couples do this several times a day, and an additional 36 percent do so at least once a day) and also to coordinate daily schedules (20 percent do this several times a day, and 39 percent do so at least once a day). However, many also communicate regularly for weightier reasons: discussing important matters and planning future events.”

For families that live far away from one another, technology helps them connect. Many families live far apart and do not see each other on a regular basis. Even when families live under the same roof, it can be challenging to find the time to eat dinner together or sit down to chat. Today’s technologies make it easy to communicate, some people believe that they create interruptions to family time and make it easy to avoid face-to-face time. Communication is extremely important between family members, especially when some of them live far away.

Communication within the family is extremely important because it enables members to express their needs, wants, and concerns to each other. It is through communication that family members are able to resolve the unavoidable problems that arise in all families.



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